Quote section


This section allows you to display a quote.

Go through the following steps to add a new section:

  1. Log into the CMS and go to the website editor.
  2. Go to the page where you want to add the quote section.
  3. Hover your mouse over the screen where you want to add the section so that a green block becomes visible in the middle of the screen. Move your mouse over this so that the text + Page Section appears. If you click on this the editor window will appear, here you can choose which section you want to add, choose Quote section in the overview or search for 'Quote section'.

There are 3 fields that can or should be filled:

  • Quote: fill the quote text that should be shown. You don't have to add quotation marks, these are added automatically in the styling of the section.
  • Author: fill the name of the quotee.
  • Author image (optional): upload a picture of the quotee. This is optional - if left empty, the image circle will not be shown.

Three tabs appear in the editor window:

  • Settings: A name for the section should be entered here, it is not displayed in the website itself. The name is used in the editor to indicate the order of sections under post settings, or you can select a section name to create an internal link with. Furthermore, you will find a text field for the quote itself and you can choose the author's name and their photo.
  • Styling: Here you specify how much space you want above and below the section. This can be a fixed space, or you can enter your own value. The width can be different for desktop and mobile, so you'll find the same settings here twice; for mobile and for desktop.
  • Colors: These settings allow you to change the background color of the section and the text color. You can choose from the colors from the design (these are set in 'Site settings') or you can choose your own color.

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