The menu forms the navigation of the website. The menu is visible on every page and always the same. So you set the menu generally for the entire website, so you don't have to do this on each page of the website separately.
Add menu item
You can set and customize the menu in the Site settings. You do this as follows:
1. Log into the CMS of the website and go to editor mode.
2. Go to Site settings (1st icon, at the top of the editor menu).
3. Click on Navigation. You will see the menu settings pop up in the editor.
4. Click the blue plus at the Top Menu or Main Menu item.
5. Fill in the following fields:
- Name: The title of the menu item. This will be visible in the menu. E.g. 'Agenda'.
- Link: The page to which the menu item should link. Click on 'Content' and select the corresponding page in the dropdown.
- Tip: the dropdown shows the titles of existing pages. If you can't find a page, check in the post settings of that page what title is filled in. That way you can be sure you are searching on the right title.
- If you want to link from the menu to an external website (e.g. an intranet), enter the url of that website at 'Url'. Note: enter the complete url, including https://. Tip: go to that website in another browser window and copy the url from the url bar. Then paste it into this field.
- Once the link is set the following option will appear: or link to a section of this post, here you can select a specific section on the page so that you scroll to the selected section on the page when you click on the link.
- Open link in new tab: if you want the page or external website to open in a new tab of the browser, turn this toggle on. Tip: always use this feature when linking to an external website. This way visitors are not immediately directed away from the school website completely.
6. Click 'Apply' at the top of the editor. The menu item will now appear in the list.
6. Finished filling or customizing the menu? Then click 'Save' at the bottom of the editor.
Note: Functions and sectors are automatically added by the link with the vacancies program!
Change or delete menu items
The menu can always be changed via the Site settings (first icon of the editor menu).
Changing the order of menu items
You can change the order of menu items by 'grabbing' a menu item with your mouse. You do this by clicking on the 6 small dots at the title of the menu item. Hold the menu item and drag it to the desired place in the row. Release it there.
Click "Save" at the bottom of the editor.
Delete a menu item
You can delete a menu item by clicking on the red sign on the right. Then click 'Save' at the bottom of the editor.