

This element allows you to place an image. Images are stored in the Media Library. You can read more about that in the Media Library section.

Add this element by going through the following steps:

1. Log into the CMS and go to the website editor.

2. Go to the page where you want to add the section.

3. Move your mouse over the screen where you want to add the element so that a red block becomes visible in the middle of the desired column. Move your mouse over this so that the text + Element appears. Clicking on this will bring up the editor window, here you can choose which element you want to add, choose Image in the overview. You can search at the top if you do not see the element in the overview.

Three tabs appear in the editor window:


  • Image: Add an image here
  • Alt text: Alt text describes images on Web pages for accessibility and SEO purposes
  • Link: Add a link, where the image should link to (optional)
  • Lazyload out: Select this option if lazyload should be disabled for this image, this is useful if the image is at the very top of a page and thus should be visible immediately when the page loads


Here you specify how big the image should be and how the image should be aligned. This can be different for desktop and mobile. You can choose between two types: relative and absolute.



6. Click Save.

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