Add a new interview


Creating a new interview

You create a new regular page in the following way:

1. Log into the CMS and go to the website editor.
2. In the editor's menu, click Add (third icon). A list opens with all the types of pages you can add.
3. Select "Add Interview".
4. An editor window will now open. Here you will find all the post settings for the page you are creating.
5. Click Content. Fill in the following information:

  • Title: enter the title of the page here.
  • Published: Determine whether the page should already be published or not. If you publish a regular page, it can be viewed by a visitor (someone not logged into the CMS). If a page is still in the works, it's best to leave it on "unpublished" for now. If the toggle is orange, then it is active and the page is published. If the toggle is gray, then the page is unpublished.
  • Company and company logo:With the blue plus you can link a company. You can choose from already created descriptions or you can create a new one. To do so, fill in all the fields under 'Content'. After saving a new company page will be made automatically. You can open and change this page via the dashboard. Be careful not to create companies twice!
  • Interviewee(s):Here you can add an interviewee. Choose from the list of existing names or create a new interviewee by filling in the fields under 'Picked interviewee'.
  • Sectors:In this field you can choose for which sector this interview is relevant. Choose from the list of existing sectors or add a new sector by filling in the fields below 'Picked sector'. After saving the new sector, a sector page is made. You can open and change this page via the dashboard.
  • Functional areas: You can use this field to add a functional area to the interview.Choose from the list of existing functional areas or add a new one by filling in the fields below 'Picked functional area'. After saving the new functional area, a functional area page is made. You can open and change this page via the dashboard.
  • Hide newsletter: This toggle allows you to disable the section where you can sign up for the newsletter. It is located at the bottom of the page, just above the footer.

6. Click the back arrow at the top left of the editor and now select Settings & SEO. Fill in the following fields here (or do so at a later time by going to this page and clicking 'Post Settings' in the editor menu):

  • SEO Title: enter here the title to be shown by search engines, such as Google, for this page. Enter the name of the school and the title of the page here, so that the page can be easily found by search engines (and thus by potential visitors to the website).
  • SEO description: enter here a description (180 characters max) of what can be found on the page. Again, ideally use the name of the school to increase the findability of the page.
  • Falls under page: if you want a page to fall "under" another page, you can select the "parent" page here. This will cause the slug (url) of the new page to be modified. Generally, you will leave this option blank.

7. Go to Featured to set the featured image and text. This image and text are visible in the overview of interviews.

8. Click "Save" at the bottom of the editor. The interview will be created and you will land on a the blank, new page. You can now add a main image (header) to the page and fill the page using sections, rows and elements.

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